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How To Talk Into A Mic

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How To Talk Into A Mic

If you want to record vocals, you basically have two options in terms of sound equipment – use your computer’s built-in microphone, or get an external one.

As any sound technician will tell you, you need to make sure you are using a microphone effectively and of good quality so your audience hears you well. However, it all depends on what you need to use the mic for!

This guide will be covering exactly how you should be talking into different types of microphones for the best results!

If you have no idea how to speak into a microphone, don’t just guess your way through it, this guide will give you the best tips!

Having A Clear Voice

How To Talk Into A Mic

You need to make sure that your voice can be heard easily on the microphone. Microphones were created to record your voice or make your voice louder in bigger crowds.

Therefore, if you have the microphone too close to your mouth, you won’t have that clear voice you want, it will be all muffled and not easy to understand (also see our post on ‘Microphone Pop Filter‘).

ALSO SEE: What Does A Pop Filter Do?

Different Types Of Mics

Different types of microphones are used for different types of technology such as presenters on tv, telephones, radio etc. Depending on your settings, here are a few options to choose from.

Wireless Microphones

Wireless microphones are an essential tool for any show or podcast. They allow the host and guests to move around freely while still maintaining a clear, crisp audio.

These mics provide more flexibility in terms of sound quality and placement, allowing for more creative storytelling. They are also great for outdoor settings where traditional wired mics wouldn’t work as well due to interference or lack of outlets (also see our post on, ‘Wireless Podcast Microphone‘).

Additionally, wireless mics give podcasters the ability to record multiple people at once. This can be extremely helpful when recording an interview with several participants or even just two hosts sitting at different ends of a room.

Wireless mics help make podcasts sound professional and engaging, creating a better experience for listeners.

Dynamic Microphone

Dynamic microphones are the perfect choice for any serious podcast. They capture audio with greater clarity and consistency than other microphone types, allowing the host and guests to sound professional without having to worry about interference or fading signals.

Also see: What Is The Best Dynamic Microphone for Vocals

Dynamic microphones also come in a variety of styles, making it easy to find one that works with your budget and recording needs. Additionally, dynamic microphones often have several settings so you can customize the sound quality to fit your requirements (also see, ‘Heil Sound PR-40 Microphone Review‘).

The added flexibility of these settings makes them an even better choice for podcasts as they allow for exceptional audio capture no matter the environment. Dynamic mics are essential if you want your podcasts to sound amazing every time.

Handheld Microphone

Handheld microphones are an invaluable tool for podcasters and show hosts. They offer unmatched flexibility and convenience when it comes to capturing audio, allowing you to move around freely while still maintaining a high-quality signal.

Other types of microphones might require the host to be stationed in one spot or reduce the quality of sound due to interference, but a handheld mic eliminates these issues. These microphones come in various styles, with some even offering different settings that allow you to adjust the sound quality accordingly.

With handheld mics, you can provide professional and engaging audio without having to sacrifice convenience or clarity. This makes them a must-have for anyone looking to produce great content for their show or podcast.

Importance Of Sound Checks To Setup Microphone Effectively

Sound checks are very important for most people using a mic because if you need them to hear you very clearly, the background sound needs to be silent.

If there is a lot of background sound, you will not be able to hear the voice through the mic as well (also see, ‘Audacity Noise Reduction – How To Remove Background Noise‘). 

It is also important to look at the volume of the microphone to make sure it is not too quiet or too loud for whoever is listening (also see, ‘How To Make Your Mic Sound Better‘). 

Importance Of The Vocals

Importance Of The Vocals 

The mic is there to amplify your voice or record it. Therefore, you need to make sure you are using it properly to have the best results for the overall product.

What voice do you even use? Most people will use the term ‘radio voice’ for how you should be speaking into a microphone.

This basically just means clear and louder than your usual voice.  

  • Rehearsing what you will be saying is always one of the best ways to make sure you have a smooth running recording. It also helps you to focus less on where you need to be speaking because you will be calmer. People tend to talk much closer to the mic when they are nervous! 
  • Warming up your voice is a very important step of the process. You want your voice to be very clear for the mic and not grouchy. Staying well hydrated before using a mic is always a good idea. 
  • The way you sit is also something you need to think about. Sitting up straight will let you project your voice much better if you are a quiet person. 
  • The microphone needs to be a few inches away from your mouth. You should not be touching it with your lips at all because it will not sound as clear. It will be very muffled if you’re too close. 
  • When speaking into a microphone, you also need to be thinking about the speed you are talking. You need to listen to yourself and determine the right speed because if it’s too fast, it will not be very effective for a speech, radio or any type of talking. 
  • If you’re not used to using a mic, it is always good to read everything out loud because it will help you to talk out loud for things you might usually read in your head. 

Important Aspects To Remember 

Most people forget about certain things when speaking into a microphone which do not sound very good.

For example, chewing gum or eating/drinking will be very loud for listeners. You might not hear it as much yourself, but your listeners definitely will. 

Depending on what you are using the microphone for, it is usually for spreading a message of some sort, so you need to make sure the message is not lost because of how you are speaking into the mic. 

The main things you need to remember is how you convey your message because the audience might be hearing something slightly different to what you think you are saying.

You need to make sure it has rhythm and pace. Having a clear throat is great because it will be even more clear.  


Overall, learning how to use a microphone more effectively can help you massively.

You might have to use one when appearing on the radio, giving a speech, creating a podcast and many more reasons.

You need to speak completely differently for most of these to be successful, but you need to know all of the basics to start.

Using a mic might seem really simple for some people, but it can be more difficult than you think. 

Hopefully this guide has given you some great tips on how you can effectively speak into a mic without being muffled or difficult to hear (also see, ‘Why Does My Mic Sound Muffled?).

You always want your message to be heard loud and clear without any interference.

You might find it harder to speak when it is completely silent in the background, but this gives the best, crisp sound to your voice.

Be clear and know what you want to say and it will most likely be a successful use of a microphone for you! 

Frequently Asked Questions

Where Can I Speak On The Microphone?

You need to make sure you are not too close to the microphone because it will sound all muffled and not completely clear.

To get a better recorded sound, you need to make sure you are around 3’’-4’’ away from the mic.

Matt Brook

With a background in Journalism and years of experience in the industry, Matt brings a wealth of knowledge to the WiredClip team.

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