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Can You See Who Listens To Your Podcasts On Spotify?

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Can You See Who Listens To Your Podcasts On Spotify Analytics

Spotify has become the go-to music streaming service for millions of listeners around the globe. But did you know Spotify also lets you listen to podcasts?

Podcasts are audio or video recordings that typically consist of interviews, discussions, and other types of media. They can range from entertainment to educational topics.

Podcasts are becoming increasingly popular. In fact, they now account for over $1 billion in annual revenue. And according to Spotify Statistics, nearly half of Americans (46%) say they listen to at least one podcast every week.

Can Podcast Owners Actually See Who Listens To Their Podcasts?

If you run a podcast, you might be wondering whether it’s possible to find out who is listening to your podcast.

If you’ve ever wondered why some podcasts seem to attract thousands of listeners (see also: How to get more listeners) while others barely register a few dozen downloads, here’s the reason why.

Spotify Audience Analytics lets you see how many people are listening to your music across different countries, genres, devices, and languages.

You can also look up specific listeners based on age, gender, location, and language. You can see how many users Spotify has vs Apple Music. This information helps you understand where your fans come from and what type of audience you’re attracting.

There’s really no way for a podcaster to know exactly how many listeners he or she has. But there are ways to approximate it.

For example, you could look at the number of downloads of each episode within the first day. Or you could take into account the total number of episodes recorded.

But what about the actual number of people subscribing to your show? Is it possible to find out?

Well… yes and no.

The problem is that most podcast apps do not provide a way to access subscription information. Apple Podcasts, for instance, does not allow us to see the list of subscriptions. 

And while some third-party apps like Overcast let you view your subscriptions, they don’t tell you how many people are actually listening. So, unless you ask around or use another app, you won’t know.

Can You See Who Listens To Your Podcasts On Spotify

However, there is one thing you can count on: the number of downloads per episode. If you record 10 episodes over the course of a month, you can assume that roughly 9 of those episodes will be downloaded.

This is because the vast majority of people listen to your show for free. In fact, according to our data, only 2% of people pay for a monthly subscription to a podcast.

So, assuming you average 9 downloads per episode, you can come up with an approximation of the number of people who are paying for your show.

Can You View Your Podcast Episode Analytics?

Spotify recently rolled out a new feature called Your Episodes or library, where you can see how well each episode of your favorite show has done over time.

You can choose whether to look at just the last seven, fourteen, thirty, ninety, or even the first thirty days of data. If you want to dive deeper into what happened during those periods, there are several options.

Can You See Who Listens To Your Podcasts On Spotify (1)

You can view the number of plays and streams per day, week, month, and year. You can also check out how many people watched it live, and how many times it was shared.

This information is great for seeing trends over time and finding out what really resonated with fans.

If you’ve got multiple accounts, you can link them together so that you can compare stats across different devices.

For example, you could log into one account on your phone, and another on your desktop computer. Then you’ll be able to see how your performance differs depending on device type.

Where Can You Find Further Information On Analytics For Podcasts?

Spotify recently added a new tab to the podcast section of its app. This tab appears next to each podcast’s information, offering quick access to things like the podcast’s description, episodes, and tags.

But there are also some additional features here, such as the ability to add a podcast to your playlists or to display the podcast’s cover art.

And if you’re looking to promote your podcast, you’ll find some useful tools here too, including a button to share it via Twitter or Facebook.

The final tab offers some basic information about your show, as well as some simple marketing options, such as the option to set up a free trial subscription to your brand.

You can also choose whether to include a podcast badge on your site; if you do, you’ll see four different versions of the official Listen on Spotify logo, to use on both your site and social media profiles.

Finally, you can edit your podcast’s RSS feed and podcast host.

How Can You Find Out What Regions Listen To Your Podcasts The Most?

The Analytics section of Spotify gives you access to data about how people listen to your podcasts. You can see what device they’re listening on, where they’re listening from, and even which apps they’re using.

For example, if you primarily use Spotify (even if you don’t use the Podcast app), it will show up under “Apps.” If you distribute your podcast via other channels like iTunes, SoundCloud, etc., it will show up there too.

If you want to know which podcast episodes are most popular, you can look at the Top Downloads pie chart. Or, if you’d rather see how many downloads each episode gets, you can check out the Top Downloads per Episode pie chart.

Tracking Gender

The gender and age demographics of your listeners are important indicators of your audience. Gender and age data help us understand what types of people listen to your podcast.

You could use this information to target your ads, figure out what kinds of sponsorships you want to pursue, and make sure you’re reaching the right audiences with the right messages.

Other Options To Consider

Pandora Vs Spotify
YouTube Music Vs Spotify
Google Podcast Vs Spotify

Final Thoughts

Spotify has been working hard to improve the podcast experience on its platform. With these changes, it makes sense that they would be rolling out more features for podcasters.

As long as you’re willing to put in the work, you should have no problem making the most of all these new features.

Matt Brook

With a background in Journalism and years of experience in the industry, Matt brings a wealth of knowledge to the WiredClip team.

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