Podcasts can come with a variety of different themes and tones, they can be more lighthearted featuring casual and easy-to-digest conversations that we can casually keep on in the background, or they can be much more educational and packed full of information that anyone and everyone can pay attention and learn from.
There are recorded to be more educational podcasts than any other type, and it’s not hard to understand why since they are an instant boost of knowledge that can benefit us for the long term while we’re on the go, at work or simply just relaxing with our headphones.
With such a large catalog to choose from, here are some of the educational and informative podcasts that you can be sure will fill your brain with tons of information every episode.
#1 Stuff You Should Know
Do you ever feel like you’re not as clued up on current events and topics as you would like to be and can commonly get lost in conversations with your friends and family?
In this podcast, Josh Clack and Chuck Bryant aim to change that by talking about important topics such as ongoing wars and political developments, as well as more peculiar topics such as the formation of Acid Rain and the mysterious Mandela effect.
Stuff You Should Know is easy to throw on with its 40-minute episodes each centering on a few similar topics at a time that are guaranteed to leave you with a whole set of new information and facts that will keep you in the know.
#2 Science Rules! With Bill Nye
It’s hard to find anyone who does not love Bill Nye, he’s passionate, a great teacher and is fascinating to watch and listen to for both adults and children alike, and now he’s back with a brand new podcast where he answers some of the most widespread scientific questions we have been asking for decades.
Could there be alien life inside the moons of Jupiter and Saturn? How important is it that water has been found on Mars?
Find out in this great scientific podcast that can be listened to by people of all ages to learn more about our world and beyond.
#3 The Allusionist
While we use words every day of our lives, we very rarely sit down and think about them, why some words are pronounced the way they are, what words have been ‘banned’ from a language and how words are even made by making particular sounds with our mouths.
Host Helen Zaltzman takes a humorous but intriguing dive into language, what it means to us, how it works, and when we even began using it to leave you with an expanded knowledge of how we as humans communicate.
#4 Philosophize This!
Learning different philosophical ideas can give us a new and refreshed perspective on both the world around us and ourselves as people.
It can teach us crucial lessons such as how to stoically control our emotions and remain disciplined as well as giving a clear image of our place and purpose in the world.
In Philosophy This! Stephen West takes a chronological look at philosophy from the Pre-Socratic era up to the modern day, covering major philosophers from both Western and Eastern regions and minimizing their philosophical ideas into 30-minute to hour-long episodes.
This podcast is perfect if you are looking to expand your philosophical knowledge and gain a better understanding of the deeper ideas, or if you are a complete beginner who wants to start learning about the major philosophers who changed the world.
#5 Hidden Brain
The brain is the most complex organ in the body and scientists are still researching the capabilities of today.
There are many different ways the brain can interpret the world around us that we may not even realize, and this is what Shankar Vedantam discusses in Hidden Brain where he uses a mixture of scientific knowledge and storytelling to enlighten us on the unconscious patterns in our brain that drive human behavior.
It’s never a bad idea to learn about the brain and how it influences our day-to-day lives and perception of the world around us as it can teach us a huge amount about ourselves and is what makes Hidden Brain such an engaging and educational listen that will teach you a lot of things you may never even have considered before.
Bonus: Modern Wisdom by Chris Williamson
Whether you are a student or entrepreneur looking to learn more here are so many podcasts all bursting with information for us to take in that sometimes it can get a little overwhelming, however, these listed podcasts are the very best for being fun and engaging to listen to, easy to digest and guaranteed to leave you feeling smarter after each episode.