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Best Podcast For Family Road Trip

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Best Podcast For Family Road Trip

If you’re taking a road trip with the whole family this summer, which podcasts should you be listening to? What are the best podcasts for families on road trips?

We’ll cover the top family friendly podcasts for road trips to listen to on road trips and tell you which podcasts to avoid as well! 

Family road trips are a fun, educational, and relaxing way to spend time together. Make your trip one to remember by listening to these podcasts.

The best podcasts for family road trips will keep you and your kids entertained for hours. Here’s a list of the best podcasts for road trips.

For new parents it can be extremely difficult to try and calm your children down or keep them quiet when in the car.

This is why it is a great idea to put a good podcast on which is children friendly to help them concentrate and stay calm. 

It can be hard to find podcasts which specifically target children because it is still becoming popular but here are some great examples! 

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Big Life Kids Podcast 

big life kids podcast

There are some family podcasts like this one which have some really great content for children with some brilliant guests that will create insightful content for kids. 

It is all about enhancing children’s confidence in life and believing in their own ability. Empowering children is very important because it really paves the way for who they will be in the future. 

Resilience is also another quality they talk about in this podcast which is another trait children will need in life to get to where they need to be.

This is a great opportunity for parents to educate their children on any type of journey with just a click of a button. 

You can easily access these podcasts on Spotify or Apple podcasts! 

Kidevolve Imaginarium Podcast

Kidevolve Imaginarium Podcast

This is a very interesting podcast created to help children control their anxiety and control themselves too!

This is extremely helpful to many children who struggle with signs of anxiety and confidence issues. 

This is an ideal podcast for kids ages between 6-10 because they can understand what it is referring to. It will cover different specific topics such as: inner peace and focus.

When you’re a child, it is important to be energetic and on the go, but they also need a good calm balance too. 

This type of podcast will help calm your children in the car and will help them when they leave the car too, out in society.

If you find that your child is extremely restless, this time in the car will help them calm down while they are stationary. 

The ideas of mindfulness in this podcast is also extremely important and necessary for children of a younger age because it will only benefit them.

If they are able to learn the skills of self-control and focus for the podcast, they will be able to adapt these skills to their everyday life. 

This can also increase the types of relationships they have with the people around them and their parents.

Everyone knows that car journeys can be very difficult, but giving them something to listen to and focus on and interact with, and ask questions about will help them understand the content.

This also needs the parents to help them learn and understand too! 

Welcome To Night Vale – Story Time

Welcome to the Nightvale

Podcasts do not always have to be educational for children, they are also created to help them relax listening to a good story.

Storytime has always been a part of most children’s lives, but it does not just have to be at bedtime! 

This particular storytelling podcast is a dramatic comedy which appeals to many. There are lots of plot twists and mystery throughout the episodes to keep people constantly interested. 

This is a great opportunity to get the children strapped in and listening. It will also help them increase their listening skills and understand storytelling skills. 

The Alien Adventures Of Finn Caspian: Science Fiction For Kids

Finn Caspian

This is something a little bit different for your children because it is a good bit of science fiction! The elements that children love the most are all the different voices and the entertaining chats between the voices. 

What is always really good about these types of podcasts is that they try to tell the children something, leave them a message.

This science podcast is all about adventure through words and dialogue and creatively entices not only the children but always the adults. 

For this particular podcast, you will have to visit Google Play or Apple Podcasts! It is simple enough to get your hands on and could really make a difference to your longer car journeys with your children. 

Bacon And Eggs: A Movie Lover’s Podcast – Something Fun!

Bacon and Eggs Podcast

If you are a family who loves a good film together, this could be the ideal type of podcast for you in the car. This is a really entertaining podcast which uses film commentaries of tv and movies! 

If you struggle conversation starters with your children when in the car, this is the perfect opportunity to get them talking about entertaining conversations where you talk about topics of the different characters in depth. 

They have many different films they go through that you would have most likely already watched which will be something the children will recognize and want to listen about. 

Short And Curly – Music 

Short and Curly Podcast

This podcast is specifically for older children and for the parents to enjoy. They have many different issues and topics they run through like societal issues and trivial questions. 

This will entice many parents who would like their children to engage in more educational information that will keep them engaged for longer journeys. 

This is also the perfect opportunity for not only the children to learn but also the adults. It can be used as a time for bonding between you and your children through a learning process. 

It is much more beneficial for your children to listen to this sort of content instead of sitting on their phone for the whole journey.

This type of educational media can only be beneficial for you and your child. 


Potterless podcast

Potterless is a fun podcast about the Harry Potter series written by a fan for fans. Join Jake, Jeffery and George as they discuss all things Harry Potter, including wacky stories, spoilers, theories, and so much more.

Potterless is an audio podcast that features guest interviews on topics such as the Harry Potter franchise, writing and publishing, and more.

If you are a family who loves Harry Potter this is one of the ideal, pop culture, funny podcasts for a journey in the car. 

It will keep them nice and engaged for most of the journey and keep them nice and quiet. 

It also includes lots of different theories about the films which can be very intriguing for both the kids and the adults too! You can find these podcasts on Spotify or Apple podcasts. 

Hello From The Magic Tavern

Hello From The Magic Tavern podcast

This is the type of podcast which will transport you into a magical world with fairy tales, trolls and wizards.

This type of podcast is better for older teens and parents who want to indulge in more complex dialogue.

It also includes many different debates for different topics and touches on role play for the people listening to the podcast

It allows people to be more imaginative and mentally creative. If you are a family who loves a bit of humour, this could be a great option to lift the mood on longer journeys. 


Best Podcast For Family Road Trip

Overall, there are many different types of podcasts for any families to choose from that will suit them.

Depending on whether you have younger or older children, there is something for everyone.

It is very important to keep your mind stimulated throughout the day and this is a great way to do this because all you have to do is listen and even interact. 

They are great because they spark conversations between each other instead of just listening to music all of the time.

You can either indulge in a good story or can educate yourself on different topics.

The ones that are specifically for children are also very beneficial because it attempts to enhance particular skills they will need in the future and as they are growing up. 

This is someone you should start to do as they are younger where they can get used to it, and it will become the norm for a longer car journey.

This prevents them from constantly being on their phones and enjoying some interesting topics together as a family! 

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Frequently Asked Questions

Do You Listen To Podcasts On Your Road Trips?

You love road trips and hate being bored. What if you could listen to something fun and interesting on your drive to work?

There are a variety of different podcasts available for both adults and kids, that tell stories or are educational, giving large benefits.

Matt Brook

With a background in Journalism and years of experience in the industry, Matt brings a wealth of knowledge to the WiredClip team.

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