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How To Record A Podcast With Audition

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How To Record A Podcast With Auditon

If you’ve been looking for the perfect software for your podcast, chances are that you’ve stumbled upon Auditon, which has been many times described as a podcaster’s best friend. 

It’s great in a whole host of different ways, including being incredibly beginner-friendly, speedy, and with a great user interface. Truly, what’s not to love? 

If you’re new to podcasting, or just want to get started with some different software, we’ve compiled a handy guide on how you can use Auditon for podcasting (also see, ‘Adobe Audition Podcast Editing‘). 

Using Auditon For Recording Audio For Your First Podcast

So let’s say that you’re just getting started with your first podcast, and want to get it all recorded, how then might you go about using Auditon for the first time? 

We’re pleased to say that it’s actually incredibly easy to use, and won’t take up much of your time to learn. Firstly, as with all new software, you’ll need to begin by downloading it, and then opening it in your file. 

You can then go ahead and click ‘file’, within the software, then press ‘new’, then select ‘audio file’. This will allow you to give your podcast a title, then you can go ahead and record using any audio input whenever you want (also see, ‘Best Podcast Recorder‘). 

There will be a big button that will signal record, and you can pause and go whenever you need to.

Once you start recording your podcast audio, you can just sit back and relax and get on with the podcast itself. Once you’re finished, press the stop button which will appear on the bottom row. 

To play back any part of the audio track, you’ll need to find the specific moment in the waveform which will appear below. After you’ve done this, you can simply click on it, and hear that specific part of the recording. 

If you are unhappy with any part of the recording, it’s easy to go back and edit or re-record it. As we mentioned above, all you need to do is click on the specific part of the waveform, then record over that section. 

Adobe Audition | Audio recording, editing, and mixing software
  • Adobe Audition is a professional audio workstation.
  • Allows mixing, editing, and creating audio content.
  • It's a part of Adobe's Creative Cloud suite.

How Do I Conduct Waveform Edits? 

How To Record A Podcast With Auditon

If you’ve never made any waveform edits before, it may seem a little intimidating at first. After all, getting used to new software can be difficult. Audition makes the process as easy and as seamless as possible, however, so don’t worry. 

As we mentioned before, all you have to do is click on the waveform, locate the area of the recording that you want to get rid of, (often these are comprised of awkward silences or background noise), then simply hit the delete button. Hey presto! You’re done. 

ALSO SEE: how To Reduce Background Noise On Mic

What Kind Of Audio Edits Can I Make?

In the podcasting game, there are two different key audio edits that you can make in the production of your podcast (also see, ‘Best Podcast Editing Software‘).

These are called destructive and non destructive edits. It’s actually pretty easy to differentiate between these two once you understand what they are. 

Destructive edits are essentially what we just described above.

They are edits that happen when you go back to the original audio recording, and choose to section off portions of the podcast and delete them. They are unrecoverable, so once they’re gone, you won’t be able to get them back. 

Non destructive edits are the opposite, and are when you leave the recording there in its entirety, without any portions missing, before you go on and make further edits on audio clips. 

Different Functions

woman recording podcast blue background

Just like you would with any kind of software, there are options available where you can cut, copy and paste. You can select any point of the podcast using the wavelength, then simply use these functions to edit it. 

Perhaps you have an intro for the podcast that you’ll also be using as your outro. In this case, you can simply copy audio files or even multiple audio tracks at the beginning of the podcast, and paste them on the end of the recording. 

These are also super accessible on your keyboard, and require you to press control, along with the keys X, C, and V respectively. 

Adding Markers

One of the best features demonstrated by Auditon is the ability to add markers to your recording. This is a feature that many podcasting software don’t contain, but it’s actually so helpful when editing podcast audio. 

It allows you to quickly listen back to your recording, and find moments that you’d like to take note of and edit later on.

ALSO SEE: Podcast Production Tips

For example, perhaps there was a portion of the recording where you mumbled, struggled for something to say, or there were unnecessary sounds from your recording device.

In this case, you can simply add a marker to that portion of the recording, and you’ll be able to go back and edit it later on. 

The best thing about this feature is that it’s so incredibly easy to use. All you have to do is simply press down on the ‘M’ key, when you’ve arrived at the portion of the recording that you’d like to edit. 

When you go back and look at it later, you’ll easily be able to navigate all of the different areas of that audio clip you want to change. 

When you are done audio editing, you can simply go back to your podcast markers via the menu, then hit the delete button for each of them once you’re done. This way, you’ll be able to see which are left that still need to be edited by you. 

Final Thoughts 

Using a new podcasting software can seem intimidating at first, especially if it’s something that we’re not familiar with. Podcast with Adobe Audition is truly one of the easiest and quickest ways to get started on your podcasting journey, however. 

Its features allow you to easily cut, copy, and paste elements of your audio files, as well as leave markers for future editing.

Matt Brook

With a background in Journalism and years of experience in the industry, Matt brings a wealth of knowledge to the WiredClip team.

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