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Podcast Logos and Cover Art Designs

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Podcast Logos and Cover Art Designs

That’s all you should need for successful podcasts, right? Not quite. You need a way to stand out from the get-go (before listeners even tune in).

There isn’t a better way to do so than with an eye-catching podcast logos and cover art design. These artistic elements speak volumes about podcasts, and they only take seconds for viewers to take in.

Read on to discover the factors of creating an excellent podcast logo. We’ll also provide some dos as examples and explain how to make a great podcast logo for your very own podcast.

What Makes a Good Podcast Logo?

Creativity is key when it comes to making a compelling podcast logo. However, you shouldn’t throw all structure out the window. Avoid making your icon without any basic guidelines in mind.

Keep tabs on the following aspects when creating your podcast logo, and you’ll create a memorable icon that’ll stick with your podcast for years.


You get the exciting opportunity to run your own podcast, and you want listeners to know what you’re all about — we get it. But you don’t want to scare potential listeners by presenting them with an overwhelming logo. Never underestimate the power of simplicity.

Simple Podcast Logo design

Here are some key tips to follow for creating logos for podcasts:

  • Keep your logo title text big, legible, and clear
  • Don’t let the logo background drown out your main design features (add a plain background to let the foreground elements standout)
  • Add few words (only include the title and hosts’ names if possible)

One good rule to follow is to examine your podcast logo from far away. If you can’t read or see part of it, consider making some changes to ensure all aspects of the logo are visible to any onlooker.

For example, let’s say you record a podcast on true crime stories. Don’t make your podcast logo into a crime scene that your viewers have to solve. Include the show’s title and basic imagery and call it a day.


We know, we know. Your podcast discusses all things dog-related — how cute would it be to add a dog wearing headphones to your podcast logo?

As tempting as this practice can be, avoid incorporating headphones or a microphone into your podcast icon. These design elements are just as overdone as the hero getting the girl at the end of an action movie, and they don’t add much value to your brand.

The best podcast logo will convey your show’s topic without reverting to this cliche. You’ll want to research logos from other podcasts in your niche and see what’s already out there before debuting your show.

Lower the risk of blending in with other podcasts by considering a more creative icon design. Establish your show’s brand and let it resonate with new and current fans alike. Good branding will show your listeners you mean business and set yourself from other podcasts.


Some creators can get away with minimal colour use in their logos, but we don’t advise it. Instead, embrace bright, inviting colours to encourage your audience to listen to your podcast. Consider using neon colours in your logo to elicit a pop culture feel. You’re up-to-date on the latest trends, and you want your audience to know it.

Avoid the temptation of selecting colours at random. Instead, choose colours that complement each other. For example, green goes well with creamy white, dark blue, and light brown.

If you need a convenient launching point, consider This site is a quick colour scheme generator that’ll give you ideas for podcasts’ color schemes.

Typography (for the title and accompanying text)

When it comes to making logos for podcasts, choosing the right typography is essential. For example, we can look to the work of podcast host and blog writer Joe Wicks. He has a very vibrant, fun personality, and the font he uses reflects it. His cover art features bold, larger-than-life text that stands out to any wandering eye.

If your podcast deals with more serious subjects, like politics or business, you can add more neutral fonts to convey your show’s tone.

One thing to consider is the different types of fonts available:

  1. Serif fonts: the most traditional
  2. Sans Serif fonts: more modern
  3. Script fonts: mimic cursive handwriting
  4. Display fonts: have distinct characteristics (think about how Black Casper looks like cut-out letters from magazines)

Finding the right font may be simple enough, but what about combining multiple ones? Your main font for the title may not go well with your chosen subtext. For a quick style solution, you can try Font Joy, which pairs different fonts for you. It takes all the work out of finding an aesthetically pleasing text combo, meaning you’ll have a matching title and subtext to add to your podcast logo in no time.

Download Format Quality

You can spend hours perfecting all the style elements of your podcast logo, title and graphics included. However, the final product will only come out good if you can download it appropriately.

Your podcast logo should appear clearly on all monitors and devices. A viewer should be able to see your logo on a big Sony TV and smaller phone screen with no issues.

Use caution while you’re editing your personal podcast logo. Increase the resolution to improve the clarity. Note that the graphic will appear smaller when you print it, but this drawback won’t be a big deal if you plan on using your logo exclusively on digital mediums. You can also play with increasing the picture’s contrast and use the unsharp masking tool on your image.

Another tip to keep in mind is to avoid saving the project you’re working on too frequently. Every time you save JPEG or PNG files, compression occurs. This process results in a loss of information and less-than-clear final products.

How to Make Your Own Podcast Logo Design

Are you ready to tell a story about your show and make your own podcast logo design? There are multiple ways to go about making an icon.

Here are a few outlets you can use to create awesome branding. However, keep in mind that you will need to learn your ideal platform’s technical standards for sizing, image type, color, etc.

How to Design a podcast logo

Most podcast hosts require the following technical standards for visuals, so keep this in mind when designing:

  • 1:1 ratio
  • Between 1400 x 1400 pixels and 3000 x 3000 pixels
  • Either a .jpg or .png image
  • RGB colourspace
  • 72 dpi


Canva is a free graphic design website that lets you create all types of visual content, including podcast logos. You can search for thousands of templates and start building your podcast logo free of charge.

When you use a free logo maker like Canva, don’t expect to create an icon that Hollywood would chase you down for. There are limited title, colour, and font options. However, it’s a great way to develop a vision for your brand and create an icon to represent it for life.


Previously known as Logo Joy, Looka is another podcast logo maker. On the home page, you’ll add your podcast’s title, colour preferences, and the industry you’re in. Then, Looka generates a podcast logo you may like. From there, you can edit the icon and title however you see fit. Once you hit “create,” you’re free to add anything you want.

This podcast logo maker is a little more hands-off than Canva, as it provides you with more of a starting point to create an unforgettable image. Your show’s title is the only thing you have to think of beforehand — the rest of the podcast logo creates itself.


Fiverr is a freelancing platform where hosts can hire freelancers to design their podcast logos.

If you go this route for your icon, choose a freelance designer with lots of experience and a portfolio that caters to your design preferences. Look for one that allows for edit requests on any aspect of your icon, from the title text to the colour scheme. Communicate clearly throughout the process, and don’t be afraid to message them for updates.

If you don’t trust the freelancing community to add some flair to your logo design, you can search for a professional graphic design company to create your icon.

Podcast Logo Examples and Ideas

Podcasts tell stories via sound, but a good podcast logo can also carry your show far.

Are you at a loss for inspiration for your icon? You don’t have to start from scratch with your logos. Amazing creators have come before you, and they’ve put out some excellent podcast logos. We’ve put together some examples to follow when making your very own podcast logo.

3 Good Examples of Podcast Logos

The audio content of these podcasts is top-tier, but what’s even more impressive is their attention to their logos. Look no further than these three podcast logos for some excellent ideas:

1) The Joe Rogan Experience — Joe Rogan

We all know Joe Rogan — loud, eccentric, and easily identifiable by his shiny bald head. His podcast logo embodies all of these qualities. His face features front and center, grinning demonically at the viewer. The accompanying title, “The Joe Rogan Experience,” borders his face in a bold, legible font.

Even if you don’t know much about his show, you can get a pretty good idea of it from his podcast logo. He always speaks his mind and strives to make listeners smile with his unconventional personality.

2) This Might Get Weird — Mamrie Hart & Grace Helbig

Mamrie Hart and Grace Helbig are whimsical podcasters who detail wild stories of their lives for their listeners. The “This Might Get Weird” logo captures the show’s essence perfectly. It features a quirky pink font that reads the show’s title. Below, you can see the outline of the two host’s heads. The whole logo is simple yet just interesting enough to capture any potential viewer’s long-standing support.

3) Dissect — Cole Cuchna

Dissect is a podcast show where host Cole Cuchna analyses contemporary music from a classical perspective.

The show’s logo is very clean and eye-catching. It features the title “Dissect” in white lettering plastered against a black background. There’s a diagonal line splitting the two s’s apart.

The simplicity of this podcast logo is just enough to intrigue the viewer and get them to listen. Its ambiguity serves as an enticing sign to find out more.


Making a great podcast logo takes time and hard work, but it’s worth the effort. A striking, well-designed, and organised logo design tells potential listeners everything they need to know about your show. It conveys the podcast’s tone and indicates whether fans can expect to laugh, cry, or both.

We recommend experimenting with designs on one of the services we mentioned above. Then, when you’re serious about attracting a huge audience, you may want to bring these ideas to a professional graphic designer.


What’s the difference between a podcast logo and cover art design?

A podcast logo is one element that makes up your show’s brand. It’s a visual representation of your show, and you can apply this sign to various promotional materials to identify your podcast.

On the other hand, a cover art design is something that applies to a specific episode. The best way we can explain this concept is to provide an example. Picture the Apple TV icon — that’s the logo in question.

Now, picture a billboard advertising the company’s latest season of its original show Dickinson. The logo will appear on this billboard, but designers technically refer to the billboard as cover art.

You can build a creative cover art design without a logo, but it helps to have a logo to stick to all of your cover art designs! Your audience will learn to associate your brand with all the content you put out.

How much does a podcast logo cost?

The answer depends on several factors. A podcast logo for your website or blog can cost your brand as little as $0 if you make it yourself using a free platform.

If you hire designers on freelancing sites, you’ll likely pay somewhere in the $5-$50 range for a custom podcast logo. If you go with a professional design company, you could end up paying $100 or even more for a unique icon.

What graphics do you need for a podcast logo?

You don’t necessarily need any graphics. You can create an engaging logo with just creative text if it works for your podcast. However, it depends on your vision.

If you’re hiring a graphic design business, ask them what graphics they need to create an amazing final product. Do you want to revamp a past logo and revitalise your business message? Provide the designer with an old image file they can add on to.

What size should my podcast logo be?

The size of your podcast logo depends on the media you’re uploading it to. If you plan to be present on multiple platforms and social media outlets, make sure you can easily alter its size to meet each platform’s requirements.

iTunes is one of the most popular platforms for podcasting hosts to post their personal content and accompanying logos. For a successful iTunes listing, your podcast logo needs to have a 1:1 ratio, between 1400 x 1400 pixels and 3000 x 3000 pixels.

If you don’t use iTunes, you can expect the same standards from Google Podcasts and Spotify. Most require square icons and resolutions of at least 72 dpi, so keep these aspects in mind.

Brett Robinson

Head of content and marketing over at Wired Clip HQ. I'm an Audio enthusiast and have been interested in anything from microphones to speakers. I am the lead guitarist for a small band and my main passion is editing our tracks.

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