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Church Podcasting: How To Start A Podcast For Your Church

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Church Podcasting

How would you describe your church? Is it a place where people come together to worship God, or a place where they gather to share their lives with each other?

Is it a place where people come for guidance and advice, or to feel part of a community? The chances are that you have answered yes to all of the above questions – and this means that a podcast could be a natural next step for your church.

Podcasting has become a powerful tool for churches and ministries to reach out to their communities, and to connect and build relationships with them.

This is especially true for churches that don’t have a strong presence on social media. In addition, podcasts can also be used to teach new concepts, provide practical guidance, and encourage believers.

Wondering how you can start a successful podcast for your church? Then we have the answers you may be searching for.

What Is A Podcast and Why Is It Useful For A Church?

A podcast is an audio file that is usually distributed through iTunes, Google Play, and similar apps. It contains a series of short episodes (usually between 5-20 minutes) in which the host talks about a particular topic.

These topics range from inspirational messages to religious teachings, and everything in between.

The best thing about a podcast is that it can be listened to at any time and anywhere – even while driving!

Why Should I Start My Own Church Podcast?

There are many reasons why starting your own podcast might be a good idea for your church. Here are just some of them:

You Can Boost Exposure

You will have the opportunity to create content that is relevant to your audience. This means that you will not only be able to communicate with your congregation, but also to educate them.

You Will Be Able To Reach More People

When you record a podcast, you widen your reach – anyone with access to a computer or smartphone can listen to what you say.

If you want to get more exposure for your church, then a podcast is one way to go about doing so, as you can reach people all over the world with a single episode.

You Have Control Over What You Say

If you decide to launch your own podcast, you will have complete control over what you talk about and when you talk about it. This gives you the freedom to choose exactly what you want to discuss, and when.

You Can Make Money From Your Podcast

Podcasts can do more than educate – you can use them to make money! Many churches use podcasts to make money by selling advertising space on their shows.

They do this because they know that there is a large potential market for these types of products, and this can offer vital, much-needed funds for the church.

You Can Use Your Podcast To Build Relationships With Others

One of the most important things that a church does is to build relationships with its members. By creating a podcast, you will be able to help others understand what your church stands for, and how it works.

In turn, this will allow you to develop meaningful connections with other Christians around the globe.

You Can Help Other Churches

By launching your own podcast, you can help other churches get started too. If you see someone else struggling to get their podcast off the ground, you can give them advice and tips on how to improve their show.

How To Get Started With Church Podcasting

Church Podcasting: How To Start A Podcast For Your Church

So now you’ve decided that you want to start a podcast for your church. But where should you begin? 

Choose A Topic To Talk About

The first step is to choose the type of podcast that you would like to create.

A church podcast is likely to be centered around Christian teachings and ideas, but you will need to decide whether you want to create a teaching podcast, a space for discussion, a podcast focused on your church and community, or something that combines all of these elements.

Decide Who Should Host It

Once you have chosen a topic, you will need to choose who you want to host your podcast. Some churches prefer to have a single person host their podcast for recognition and continuity, while others prefer to have multiple hosts.

Whichever option you choose, you will need to think carefully about who will take part in the podcast.

Get Audience Members Involved

To ensure that your podcast has an impact, you will need to involve your audience. Ask them to contribute questions, share stories, and even suggest topics to cover. 

The more involved your listeners are, the better your podcast will be – this can also be a great way to bring the community together, and answer questions that listeners may have about the Christian faith in general or your church in particular.

Church Podcasting: How To Start A Podcast For Your Church

Record And Publish Your Podcast

Now that you have planned out everything, it’s time to start recording your podcast. There are many different ways to record a podcast, including using a smartphone app, a desktop program, or even a microphone connected directly to your computer.

Whatever method you choose, you will then need to upload the audio files onto a website so that people can listen to them online.

Publishing your podcast is just as easy. Once you have uploaded your audio files onto a site such as SoundCloud, you can add links to your social media accounts, and promote your podcast through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and any other sites that you feel appropriate. 

This will allow people to discover your podcast, and you will have a wealth of listeners before you know it!

Final Thoughts

Podcasting can be a very rewarding experience. Not only do you get to talk to people from across the world, but you also get to tell your story to a global audience.

If you are interested in starting a podcast for your church, use our top tips – and watch your audience grow and expand in no time!

Matt Brook

With a background in Journalism and years of experience in the industry, Matt brings a wealth of knowledge to the WiredClip team.

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